Nicki Dennett

Artist Statement

My work is inspired by the changing seasons, the patterns and textures of the landscape and the way light falls on different surfaces.

I love mark-making and draw whenever possible. I often use bold, bright hues that capture the energy and vitality of the natural world.

My original drawings are created using homemade inks such as seaweed, coffee, dandelion and walnut as well as a combination of bleach, sublimation print and stitch.

Many of my recent original hand pulled prints are combined with stitch, usually on Fabriano or small sheets of deckled Artway paper. More recently I have created handmade jewellery items depicting my prints.

Mixed media original monoprint, collage and stitch. Inspired by a walk in Wales. Untitled, 11 x 11cm
Inspired by the sunsets over the Rocks in the Welsh coves of Gwbert Bay. Title: 'Sunset over Gwbert', 11 x 11 cm, Medium: Monoprint and hand stitch.
Inspired by the sunsets over the Rocks in the Welsh coves of Gwbert Bay. Title: 'Sunset over Gwbert', 11 x 11 cm, Medium: Monoprint and hand stitch.
Mixed media created during a residency entitled 'Markmaking'. where I worked on a series of work inspired by many holidays on the Welsh coast. This image has a series of five images. I created I experimented using seaweed to make ink as well as coffee, walnut, bleach and sublimation. Title: Gwbert Cove, 16x12cm
Mixed media created during a residency entitled 'Markmaking'. where I worked on a series of work inspired by many holidays on the Welsh coast. This image has a series of five images. I created I experimented using seaweed to make ink as well as coffee, walnut, bleach and sublimation. Title: Gwbert Cove, 16x12cm
Using the sublimation technique I found I could use the many images created for the exhibition as inspiration for a collections of quality jewellery, including necklaces and earrings, using sterling silver findings and chains. These fit well with the collection of prints I have on display.
Using the sublimation technique I found I could use the many images created for the exhibition as inspiration for a collections of quality jewellery, including necklaces and earrings, using sterling silver findings and chains. These fit well with the collection of prints I have on display.