My work explores elements of female experience and archetypes: Maiden, Mother and Crone. I take inspiration from personal and universal stories, using symbolic imagery from the natural world, birds, animals and plants. A sense of women’s strength and ‘wild’ nature is never far away from the core of my work. I use acrylics and mixed media on paper, board, and salvaged wood. Recent paintings and drawings are made using book pages, collaged papers, fragments from my childhood, collecting memories, transforming stories, reconfiguring them in the present. Limited-edition linocuts progress alongside my paintings. I have a browser of smaller works and a range of original handmade cards.
Lyn Hodnett
Artist Statement
'Child in an Elephant Costume'. Acrylic and mixed media, painting on a 1960 birthday party invitation. 10cm x14cm. This small painting is part of a series of works on postcards/cards I collected in childhood. The imagery is from family photographs and responds directly to what is depicted on the card.
'Girl with Blackbirds'. Acrylic and Mixed media on Board. 30cm x36cm. Blackbirds can be seen as guides or messengers, sometimes helpful and sometimes misleading. In many folk tales they represent the authentic voice, but they can also represent a trickster.
'Snow Goose'. Acrylic paint, relief printmaking and mixed media. 28cm x 53cm. Snow Geese symbolize protection, loyalty and youthful creative spirit. Mother Goose imagery is a re-occurring theme in my work, representing the story teller, mother to daughter and linking with the 'truths' communicated in myth and fable.